A honey bee colony is made up of 1 Queen bee, thousands of worker bees (all female) and hundreds of drone bees (males)


The Queen bee can lay over 2000 eggs a day!


Honey bees fly at speeds of around 25km per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second!


To share information about the best food sources, honey bees perform something called their 'waggle dance'. The bee moves in a figure of 8 and waggles its body. This tells the watching bees the distance and direction of the best location for pollen and nectar!


The honey bee is also known as Apis mellifera. Apis is a very old word probably with Egyptian roots, but is also related to the Greek word for 'swarm'Mellifera means 'honey-bearing' in Latin.


Each honey bee makes about 1 twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime!


Honey bees communicate through pheromones, which are chemical signals that carry information between individuals within a species.


Honey bees use their front feet, tongue, jaw and antennae to taste with!